You have a vision to build your consulting practice and become a Great Consultant

—It’s easier said than done!


  • You’re spending most of your time on business development and can’t get enough billable hours
  • You think you have found great prospects, but they are not converting to become clients
  • You’re feeling gutted by losing proposals that you expected to win
  • You find yourself underpricing in the hope of winning business
  • Your margins vanish due to scope creep and escalating expenses

It becomes stressful and exhausting.

Your inner critic starts seeding doubts:

  • You begin wondering, “Do I have what it takes to get this business working?”
  • You find yourself in uncharted territory and start feeling that you may be in over your head
  • You’re feeling anxious about leaving the security of a corporate job
  • You find yourself working all hours and weekends and never get to take a real break
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure how to break out of the cycle of uncertainly

Most of all-

You wish you had someone to talk with and provide feedback when you’re unsure if you’re doing it right.

Even experienced business people find building a consulting business means navigating new spaces and tackling things they haven’t done before.

Whenever you move into a new job, you need someone to show you around, show you the ropes, and help you to learn “how this works.”

Most consulting businesses don’t struggle because of a lack of technical know-how. They struggle (and often fail) because people don’t know how the consulting business works.

Book a Discovery Call Now

It’s hard enough to build a consulting business

You don’t have to do it alone

I get it.

When I left my role as Commercial Systems Manager in a large power company and joined an international consulting firm, I faced the need to find my own clients and learn how to do cold calling, write proposals, and pitch proposals to win new projects.

I was fortunate that one of the consulting directors took me under her wing, took me on sales calls, coached me in developing proposals and make presentations, and was there to lend a helping hand when needed.

We humans learn in two ways—from teachers and through experience.

Are you ready to seek a guide?

Or will you continue on your own, trying to find the right solution the hard way?

No one would consider mountain climbing without having a guide to show the way.

A guide will show you the right path, help you bridge the experience gap, get your consulting business up and running, and ensure you don’t fall off the cliff into the abyss of inexperience.

It’s time to get expert guidance to reenergize your consulting business and get it on track.

Book a Discovery Call Now
Les Trudzik

Chair of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute; Director ACIL Allen; former Partner KPMG

I was extremely fortunate that my first experience of consulting had the benefit of Mike’s mentorship.

Much of the thinking, approaches, and techniques I have used throughout my consulting career were born out of ‘looking over Mike’s shoulders’ and observing how he went about strategic problem-solving. Most end-of-day hours saw young (and old) consultants flock to his office, like bees to honey, keen to get his help in brainstorming solutions to the pressing problems of their projects.

To be the best, you have to learn from the best, and I have no hesitation in putting Mike into that rare category.

Why Work With Me?

The secret to growing a successful consulting business is to start with a strong foundation, start small, get the basics right, and build on your success. Once the business is established, you can expand your service offerings and seek new clients and opportunities.


I have the experience. I have worked on both the client side, and as an external consultant and practice leader

Proven Method

I teach you how to build collaborative, trusted relationships and win repeat business and referrals

Advice & Support

(when you need it)

I offer both scheduled coaching and on-demand mentoring and advisory services

Elevate your Consulting Business

Building a business is hard. You need a blueprint to ensure you are building on strong foundations—to get your strategic plan right, your marketing message clear, your sales pitch crisp and compelling, your operations humming smoothly, your cash management strong, and your financial plan robust. Very few small business owners get it right, and that’s why most small business owners suffer, and many fail.

You’ve hired a golf instructor before, a financial advisor, a trainer to help you get into shape, and even a mechanic to fix your car. Why not hire a coach to help you build your business so it thrives and can improve and fund your quality of life?

Working with me as your coach is simple:

Let’s plan a call where I ask you several questions, we’ll discuss what needs needs fixing and customize a plan to optimize your business to make sure that you achieve your goals.

Book a Discovery Call Now

Without a coach,

You will likely make costly mistakes that will cost you the world’s most valuable commodity—time. With a coach, you will be building your business on the shoulders of thousands who’ve gone before you—wisdom that has already been passed down, but it’s just not getting to you.

No matter what your current level is, having a coach can help you to elevate your game, winning new clients, gaining more referrals, and opening the way to grow your business with innovative new service offerings.

Working with Me is Easy

No matter which stage of your growth path you are on

Choose the package that meets your needs
Baseline Assessment

Define your consulting baseline and identify how to elevate your services



1-1 coaching with me to focus on your consulting goals

Packages from $600

(Only 5 spots available)


A second pair of eyes and support when you need it

Packages from

What do you get?

Baseline Assessment

How this works:

I’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out

I’ll prepare your assessment report with recommendations and send it to you

We’ll have a phone call to discuss your action plan


I’ll send you a coaching questionnaire to clarify your goals and priorities for building your consulting practice

Our first call is a “get to know you” session, where we will review your questionnaire, discuss your goals and priorities, and plan our coaching sessions

Advisory Services

Practical assistance right when you need it

We’ve all been there

You have hit a block point with a prospect that looks like an ideal client

You are working on a critical proposal, and you need a second pair of experienced eyes to do a review and provide feedback

You need assistance, and you need it NOW. Delay is causing you uncertainty and costing you money.

(This is an unscheduled on-demand service. Response is typically within two business days.)

Have Questions?

Book your FREE discovery call now and discover if Advisory Services is right for you.

Book a Discovery Call Now